What is Doma Vaquera riding?

Doma Vaquera is a traditional style of riding and horsemanship originating from Spain, closely associated with the work of cattle herders (vaqueros). It is distinct from the more internationally known discipline of classical dressage, with its own unique style, equipment, and history. Doma Vaquera has its roots in the practices …

What is Alta Escuela riding?

Alta Escuela refers to the “high school” of classical dressage. This Spanish phrase translates to “high school” and is used to denote advanced dressage movements and techniques that go beyond the basic or “lower” school (Doma Vaquera) of training. Alta Escuela has its roots in the classical equestrian traditions of …

How to saddle a horse (a step-by-step guide)

Saddling a horse might seem like a straightforward task, but its implications run deep. Safety for the rider is paramount and an incorrectly saddled horse is a hazard. If the saddle slides, tips, or even falls off during a ride, the consequences can be severe, ranging from minor injuries to …

How to overcome fear of horseback riding

The journey to becoming a confident rider is often riddled with fear and anxiety, especially for beginners. The enormity of the animal you’re faced with in your first lesson, paired with the unpredictability of the experience, can be as daunting as it is exciting. I wanted to go over some …

Top 10 horse breeds for beginners

Choosing the right horse breed for beginners depends on various factors, including your riding goals, experience level, and preferences. Here are ten horse breeds that are often considered suitable for beginners due to their generally calm and trainable nature: Remember that the individual temperament and training of a horse can …

What are the basics of horse riding?

Horse riding requires a combination of skill, knowledge, and understanding of your horse. Here are the fundamental aspects you need to know: Mounting and dismounting Properly getting on and off a horse is crucial for your safety and the horse’s comfort. Using a mounting block is, in my opinion, is …

What is horse reining?

Reining is a Western riding sport and discipline that showcases the athletic abilities of horses and the horsemanship skills of riders. It’s often described as “western dressage” because it involves precise patterns and manoeuvres performed on horseback, similar to dressage in English riding. Reining, however, has its own distinct set …