What to do if you have really muddy paddocks?

Dealing with muddy horse paddocks can be a significant challenge, as excessive mud can lead to various health issues for your horses and make the management of the paddocks difficult. The impact on horse health and wellbeing can be significant, leading to both short-term discomfort and long-term health issues. Hoof …

How to know if you have mice in your stables?

If you suspect you have mice in your stables, there are several telltale signs to look for: To control and prevent mice from settling in your stables, regularly clean the stables and remove leftover food and hay. Close any gaps or holes that can serve as entry points using steel …

What is a barn cat, and why might you want one?

Farmers, equestrians, and those who dwell in the countryside have long known the value of the barn cat. But what exactly is a barn cat, and why might you want one? Let’s dive deep into the world of these feline overseers of the stable. A barn cat is a cat …

horse with a fly mask

5 ways to get rid of horseflies

What is a horsefly, you ask? It’s a biblical curse on wings, is what it is. But biologically speaking, it’s a stoutly built fly, the female of which is a bloodsucker and inflicts painful bites on horses and other mammals, including humans. Adult horseflies typically eat nectar, but the females …

Horse in the stable

What are stable vices and how do you fix them?

What kind of problems do horse owners experience and how should they be addressed? Horses can come with problems and they can develop problems even after many years. Whether the problem is physical or psychological there is always a reason and it’s the job of a responsible horse owner to take the time to get to the root of the problem and not just treat the symptoms.