66 unique white horse names with meanings

There’s something extra-special about a grey or white horse. These horses naturally stand out from the rest of the herd, so don’t they deserve an extra-special name to reflect that, too? Naming a white horse can be a delightful task, as their majestic and pure appearance lends itself to a …

What is Doma Vaquera riding?

Doma Vaquera is a traditional style of riding and horsemanship originating from Spain, closely associated with the work of cattle herders (vaqueros). It is distinct from the more internationally known discipline of classical dressage, with its own unique style, equipment, and history. Doma Vaquera has its roots in the practices …

What is Alta Escuela riding?

Alta Escuela refers to the “high school” of classical dressage. This Spanish phrase translates to “high school” and is used to denote advanced dressage movements and techniques that go beyond the basic or “lower” school (Doma Vaquera) of training. Alta Escuela has its roots in the classical equestrian traditions of …

What is hydrotherapy for horses?

Hydrotherapy for horses is a therapeutic technique that involves the controlled use of water to aid in the rehabilitation, fitness, and overall well-being of horses. It utilises various water-based treatments and exercises to promote healing, reduce pain, and enhance the horse’s physical condition. Hydrotherapy can be particularly beneficial for horses …

Why can’t a horse vomit?

Vomiting is a complex physiological event that requires a closely coordinated sequence of reflexive motions. When you are going to throw up, you draw a deep breath, your vocal cords close, your larynx rises, and the soft palate shifts to close off your airways. Then your diaphragm contracts downward, which …

11 signs that your horse is happy and healthy

When it comes to the well-being of your horse, observation is your best tool. Your horse can’t tell you how they feel, but several indicators can help you determine if your horse is in prime condition. Spending time with your horse as well as knowing the general signs of well-being …

What is colic in horses?

Colic in horses refers to abdominal pain and is a common condition that can have a range of causes. It’s important to understand that “colic” is not a disease in itself, but rather a symptom of an underlying problem in the horse’s gastrointestinal tract. Colic in horses is a term …

How, why and when to deworm your horse

Deworming your horse is a critical component of equine health care. Horses are susceptible to various internal parasites like roundworms, tapeworms, bots, and strongyles. These parasites can infest the horse’s gastrointestinal tract and other organs, leading to health issues. Parasites interfere with nutrient absorption, leading to malnutrition and weight loss. …

What is a gaited horse?

Gaited horses are a specific category of horse breeds that possess unique, smooth, and natural gaits in addition to the traditional horse gaits of walking, trotting, and cantering/galloping. These additional gaits are often referred to as “ambling” gaits and are characterised by their smooth, evenly spaced footfalls. The presence of …